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Store & Fuel Prices

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The store and fuel prices APIs. These apis give you the Love's location information and fuel price information.


Love's Store & Fuel Prices APIs

The purpose of this api is to give clients a way to download the store and fuel price information. This information is comparable to information manually downloadable from

How Do I Get Access?

Love's secures our APIs using an OAuth flow. To request access contact your Love's sales representative or click on the "Request Access" button.


Love's has provided a single route to get all store and fuel price information in a single call. If your needs are different please contact your Love's representative.


  • Retrieve all store and fuel price information

Example can be viewed by clicking on the "Stores Resource" on the left pane.

Love's has provided a single route to obtain fuel price information for all stores within a single call that is filtered by OLA Product code via a query parameter. If your needs are different please contact your Love's representative.


  • Retrieve fuel price information for all stores

OLA Product Codes are to be passed in to the request as a query parameter and in the format of a comma separated string. Example: 20, 21, 22

Example can be viewed by clicking on the "Fuel Pricing Information" on the left pane.


You can click on the API Instances in the left pane to view what the environment urls are.
