Loves Timeclock API

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Loves Timeclock System API


Love's Timeclock System API

The purpose of the Love's Timeclock System API is to provide access to clock-in/clock-out details by an employee

How Do I Get Access?

Love's secures this API using a client id/secret. To request access click on the "Request Access" button and you will be given the base (default) level access. To review how to use your client id / secret review this Mule documentation

Routes Summary

The API gives you access to timeclock details of an employee.

Love's has provided routes to maintain employee time events and check health of source and target systems. If your needs are different please contact your Love's representative.

GET /health-check

  • Health check of source system

GET /health

  • Health check of target system

GET /employees/{employeeId}/lastClockedTimeEvent

  • Employee last clocked time event details

POST /clockedTimeEvents

  • Create clockin time event

PATCH /clockedTimeEvents/{id}

  • Update clockout time event


You can find the environments by clicking on the API Instances button in the left pane. To try out the API you can use enable the mock services in the right pane.
